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All About Adwords And Adsense,All You Need To Know About Adsense To Blast Your Income Sky-high!

All About Adwords And Adsense,All You Need To Know About Adsense To Blast Your Income Sky-high!

All About Adwords And Adsense

Everyone is scrambling for news about the new kids on the net – AdWords and AdSense that is. You’ve got to hand it to Google. They’ve really outdone themselves this time. AdWords is Google’s pay-per-click advertising program. AdWords is similar to other pay-per-click advertising programs, but the other side of the coin, AdSense, makes it an incredibly powerful advertising program. I’ll get to that in a moment, for now let’s take a look at AdWords and how it works. Everyone is scrambling for news about the new kids on the net – AdWords and AdSense that is. You’ve got to hand it to Google. They’ve really outdone themselves this time. AdWords is Google’s pay-per-click advertising program. AdWords is similar to other pay-per-click advertising programs, but the other side of the coin, AdSense, makes it an incredibly powerful advertising program. I’ll get to that in a moment, for now let’s take a look at AdWords and how it works. With AdWords, you can create your very own advertisements or you can have Google’s team design the advertising campaign for you. When you create AdWords advertisements, they appear on the internet right away. You have complete control of your budget as you only pay when your ad is clicked on and you can set your very own daily limits for what you are willing to pay. There is no minimum budget or locked in time that you have to run your campaign. You choose the keywords you want to target, so you get targeted traffic from your ads – people who are looking for specifically what you have to offer. You can rely on Google for quick, friendly and knowledgeable support when you need it. Additionally, you can access performance reports that keep you informed on how well your advertising is doing so you can make changes as needed. I know all that sounds pretty similar to other pay-per-click programs, but now let’s take a look at the other side. AdSense… AdSense adds a powerful punch to the AdWords program as well as giving website operators the ability to make money from their websites by displaying Google Ads (those from the AdWords program). So, as an AdWords advertiser, you’ve got an advantage in that website operators are providing high quality content to browsers and because of the keywords, your ads appear on their websites in clear view of individuals who are looking for your products or services. As a website operator, you can choose keywords for the AdSense program that are relevant to the content you provide. The keywords will draw in relative advertisements to be displayed on your website, things that your browsers are interested in, which adds value to the information provided to your visitors. When your website visitors click on a Google Ad, you gain revenue from that click. Providing high quality, relative content is key to making money with AdSense. AdWords and AdSense are win-win propositions for advertisers and website operators. Advertisers get targeted traffic to their websites at minimal costs and website operators make money for having the ads displayed on their websites. AdWords and AdSense are welcomed additions to the world of e-business and internet marketing.

All You Need To Know About Adsense To Blast Your Income Sky-high!

These 7 direct to the point, no nonsense concepts and methods that you need to know and implement to make a decent perpetual income.

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From my personal experience and from speaking with many other publishers, it seems that many of them cannot even garner enough earnings to trigger off a payment from Google (USD $100). This is really sad because many give up before even reaching the halfway mark. Imagine adding up all the quitters, the amount of advertising money Google would have pocketed without paying a cent!

Point #1 Find Your Niche.

You need to know about your topic or subject fully and be an at least knowledgeable on it. You write quality content, you get quality ads shown. It is as simple as that. If you really found profitable niche on but know nuts about it, you can always use free articles (like this one) and post them on your site with their links on them of course. It is a easy and quick way to get quality content to your site.

Point #2 Laser Focused Theme.

You need to fully concentrate on your topic and area of interest. Do not deviate from it even a single bit! The reason behind this is to get the MOST relevant ads to your content which in turn will be the most likely to interest the visitor and get clicked on.

Point #3 Website Navigation.

Do not trick the visitor, do not confuse the visitor, do not attempt to hide the ad but do not ‘blast’ the ad at the same time. Create your navigation in such a way that your ads appear unobtrusive and yet viewable. It is advisable to put more then one ad but do not cramp your page with ads, it turns the visitor off.

Point #4 Key Word Density

Although Google doesn't release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page. We do know that content (and words) of the page that matters. Before serving ads on a page, then, you might want to check its keyword density to see what words pops up most frequently.

Point #5 Maintain Content Readability

Advertisements should not distract from your content, or else your visitors will be driven away. Make Adsense a cohesive part of your site design, not something slapped in at the last minute or some hastily put up page.

Point #6 Ask Them!

Google knows best about their own programs. If you have any doubt or any question at all, feel free to mail them. “Please feel free to email us at adsense-tech@google.com if you have additional technical questions or concerns. For general program or account questions, please email adsense-support@google.com.”

Point #7 Do Nots.

Do no click on your own ads neither should you ask others to click on your Google ads. Do not manually change or modify you ad code. Do not place Google ads on sites that include prohibited/questionable content (e.g.: adult sites, hate sites) Do not employ cloaking, hidden text or farm links. Do not create a site just because you think you found high paying keywords and throw content in just based on them just for the purpose of profiting from them.

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